Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Cool Girls' Guide To Spending New Year's Eve Alone

So I had to work on NewYear's Eve this year and to say the least was bummed out about it. I had a bit of a pity party for myself. I mean why me? I'm young and cool, why don't I get to be out partying with my friends? How sad am I going to be on New Year's Eve all alone, especially at midnight with noone to kiss. Isn't it bad luck not to be kissed at midnight? Is my whole year going to be ruined cause I'm not getting kissed at midnight? ( I told you I had a pity party). OK let's think about this- I'm a smart girl I can figure out how to celebrate New Year's alone and still have a rockin good time (can't I?) So I started thinking about the main things people do on NYE. Maybe I can find a way to do them too.
So, admittedly, I was still not happy about being at work. I decided to have a chat with myself and hype myself up about this. I mean I have a unique chance to step by step show other cool chicks who happen to find themselves alone on NYE how to keep on rockin. I can do this. I am a cool chick, I'm fun, and a blast to party with. Hell, I'm awesome!( if I don't say so myself) So first things first people are always extra happy on NYE ( all the alochol probably) so I've got to perk it up here.... So I chant some affirmations to myself.. You rock! You rock! You rock! Hell yeah I do!
Ok, now I'm feeling better.... What I need to do is figure out what are the main things people do on NYE and adapt them to work under my circumstances. I can do this. I'm a smart chick. Ok let's think.. people like to hang out and party with cool people on NYE. This could be difficult since I'm alone. Wait a minute... I'm cool. Hell yeah I'm cool, I'm awesome to party with! Step 1: party with cool people. Check! Ok what's next. People like to drink and dance to good music while waiting for midnight to roll around. I can't do anything about the drinking part since I'm at work and that is not allowed (WTF, it's a holiday) but I do have an ipod full of awesome music and I am a pretty good dancer. Oh yeah I'm down. So I put on my ipod and dance (with myself) for awhile. Whew!! I need a drink. As I swig my iced tea ( it's the best I can do) I check off step 2. Drink and dance with a good dancer to great music. Check. What's next? Ok the best part of NYE is being guaranteed (almost) that you're going to get kissed at midnight. Every girl wants to be kissed by a good kisser,preferrably one that looks good too. My husband is miles away at home with the kids so there's no way that I'll get a kiss. Hmmmmm... What can I do about this..... Wait I'm a good kisser and not to toot my own horn here but I'm not exactly hard on the eyes. Yeah I can kiss myself, It'll be great.
Step 3 : Kiss a good looking,good kisser. Check.
Now I'm on a roll. What's next? Ok after a good snog at midnight people usually see fireworks (no, not from the kiss, real ones, though isn't it great when a kiss does that to you?) Obviously I can't set off fireworks in my office, but I can do confetti. If you don't have any confetti lying around, as I didn't, you can make you own. ( just color and cut up paper) After the countdown and the big kiss, watch the fireworks(confetti) with your beloved (myself).
Step 4: Watch fireworks(confetti) with yor beloved. Check.
Now were entering the end of our journey. The last thing people do at the end of their night is wish everyone a Happy New Year. I can wish myself( and everyone else) a Happy New Year. That's easy.

Step 5: Wish everyone a Happy New Year. Check.

So,I must admit, NYE wasn't as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I was able to entertain myself for awhile and actually had a bit of fun with myself. I learned that you can make bad situations better, but I won't lie... It wasn't quite as much fun as being out there with my husband and friends would have been. Next year I plan to be off and to make up for this year. Watch out, next year I will be ready to rock out for real.. have my drink ready!