Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Finally, today I get my fix
I feel like a crack addict who hasn't had a decent hit in a year. A year people.. do you know how awful that is. Well,today my friends, is my lucky day.... today I get to indulge in the most glorious crack imaginable... Janet Evanovich's new novel Lean Mean Thirteen is out today and I can hardly control myself long enough to get to the bookstore. Yes I will be going today and by tonite I will probably have devoured the entire novel and be yet again itching for my next hit. I try to rationalize with myself to go slow and take my time with the book, to stretch it out and linger over it as to enjoy it fully, being that she only releases one novel a year in this series. But am I able to control myself? Can I slowly enjoy my most favorite series of all time?... Hell no, I tear into it at a lightning speed and before I know it, it's over and I am left with nothing but another long year between me and my next fix. For now though, all that I can think about is the upcoming hours of pleasure that I am about to experience, I'll worry about the coming down tomorrow. So be supportive friends and hope that the weather is nice today so I can lay in my hammock and polish off all my crack in one indulgent sitting!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Who is this girl?
A few days ago I had my hair done and got it dyed dark brown. (Black if you ask me) I was in a state of shock when I saw myself. At first all I could do was stare and want to cry. What have I done to myself I wondered. Maybe all you ladies out there will understand this. All women have something about them that they love, it's like their armor. Some girls have great breasts, some have awesome legs, ect. Well for me I've always relied on my hair. If my hair was looking good I felt good. So you can imagine how I felt looking into the mirror at this woman I no longer recognize. Strange.... I know it's me, but I don't see me. I don't feel like me. I feel like me trapped in someone else. I always knew my hair was important to me, but didn't realize how much so. I almost feel silly admitting this, I know how vain it sounds. But yet, I still feel that way. So for now I will keep the dark brown locks, so as not to fry my hair. Maybe it will start to grow on me, I doubt it. So for now, I'll keep my eye on the calendar and in a few weeks I'll trek back to the salon and admit I made a mistake... I shouldn't have requested to be a raven haired beauty, some of us just can't pull that off. And within a couple of hours I'll be returned to the woman I know and love....me ( the blonde version).
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